Find Our Products

While we’d love to have you visit us in Westfield, you can find our spirits and beers throughout the region at shops, restaurants, grocery stores, and at the online retailers below.


* Hey there, just one note!* 

This map is up to date as of September 2023 and it will change occasionally. If you have any questions about our product availability, you can contact us or call ahead to a specific sales location using the information available above. Cheers!

Spirits Distribution

Pennsylvania: Breakthru Beverage Pennsylvania
New York State: RNDC / Opici Family Distributing
Tennessee: Brio Brands
Connecticut: Opici Family Distributing
Massachusetts: AstraLuna Brands
International/Export: Rising Tide Global

Beer Distribution

Western PA: Erie Beer Company

Distribution CONTACT

Kevin Faehndrich
Email / 814.725.8695