Style version 1, font size 25pt, line-height 1.7
Our story is about more than barley and hops. Copper and oak. It begins and ends with our local roots. Roots that were planted in soil that was enriched by the Whiskey Rebellion and that nourishes the crops that are harvested, mashed, boiled, and – eventually – poured into your glass.
Style version 2, font size 18px, line-height 2em + better AA
Our story is about more than barley and hops. Copper and oak. It begins and ends with our local roots. Roots that were planted in soil that was enriched by the Whiskey Rebellion and that nourishes the crops that are harvested, mashed, boiled, and – eventually – poured into your glass.
Style version 3, font size 18px, line-height 2em
Our story is about more than barley and hops. Copper and oak. It begins and ends with our local roots. Roots that were planted in soil that was enriched by the Whiskey Rebellion and that nourishes the crops that are harvested, mashed, boiled, and – eventually – poured into your glass.